Thursday 18 July 2013

A Very Long Engagement

So, my boyfriend went away this week.  Absent boyfriend usually means time to watch as many girly movies as possible: musicals, rom coms, historical dramas, or anything with french subtitles are on the menu.  A Very Long Engagement, a french historical drama starring Audrey Tautou (of Amélie) meets two of the criteria, and doesn't disappoint!  It's set in WWII and tells the story of a young girl Mathilde (Tautou) searching for her fiance who is deemed 'dead' after last being seen in no man's land in the french trenches.  There are so many layers to this story - including an appearance by Marion Cotillard as a sassy french hooker.

The movie is visually stunning, set for the most part in a french seaside town (Mathilde's fiance is a lighthouse keepers son), and features a brilliant but subtle love story that will likely leave you shedding a tear or two.